domenica 10 febbraio 2008

FIRENZE... Feb 6-9, 2008

Dear All,
Florence was amazing!  What a beautiful city... seriously!  First of all, I took the Eurostar down here.. GORGEOUS TRAIN.  The people are nice (and don't smell), the seats are actually comfortable (ok well on the way I was much more comfortable than the way back), and I had a little pull out table to use my Italian book during the train ride.  It was great 2.5 hours :).  
What can I say about Florence?  Well it's an American city in Italy.  Ok not really, but everyone and their mom speaks English and you're more likely to see 2 college girls talking than to hear Italian.  It's definitely a hot destination full of students and tourists.  It's a smaller city, so you walk everywhere, which was a really nice change compared to riding the subway every day in Milano!!!  Florence is very beautiful, very quaint, and what a magnificent view of Tuscany in the background!!  MMMMM amazing.
The first night I stayed with my friend Christie (from mini-hops... back in the day).  She had a spectacular view and we watched Under the Tuscan sun and drank wine from a nearby Tuscan vineyard.. you can't not do that while in Tuscany!!  It was amazing :)
The next day I roamed the city, took way too many pictures, and ate THE BEST gelato.  MMM.  I'd have to say that Nutella crepes or Nutella waffles are definitely up there on my list as well.  If I come home fat, you know why.
Touring around Florence is beautiful.  The cobblestone streets get a little old (and if you're wearing stilettos they steal your shoes), but it really is so quaint and gorgeous!  All the salespeople were out at the market, and everyone was walking around bargaining and buying.  I loved seeing all the leather, glass, and pashminas they have.  Ok ok, besides seeing I did buy a little.  But you can't not when in Firenze!
I stayed with my friends Paul and Jordan the 2nd night.  Everyone has such gorgeous apartments in Firenze compared to Milano!  Oh well... I do live in a ridiculously large city that ooooober expensive.  I went out to meet my friends at this club that was little America.  Seriously.  Only American rap music.  I think I saw one Italian and 9500 American sorority girls.  Ridiculous.  Well, that's what we get to hitting up a bar that had student night.  DEFINITELY NOT LIKE MILANO AT ALL!
We went to the Pontevecchio, which I found every piece of jewelry I've ever wanted.  I found a couple gorgeous wedding rings, too bad they were only 20,000 Euros.  Damn.  Duomo was gorgeous.  We went to the top (yes 463 stairs and Alli completely questioning her past stair-master sessions later) and it was gorgeous!  Definitely worth the 20 minute walk up.  It was a spectacular day, the sun was slowly setting in the distance, and I can't tell you how in love with the Tuscan hills I am.  SIMPLY STUNNING. (that's for you Jen)  I went to see THE DAVID, which was REALLY cool.  The room they have him in, and just seeing how meticulously done he was, it was really awe inspiring.  Sculptures are my new favorite artworks, definitely.
The next day I hung out with my girlfriends Blake and Chelsea and we just walked around, shopped, and enjoyed the beautiful day (yes I enjoyed it with a Nutella waffle).  Florence was amazing... breathtaking... and absolutely gorgeous.  But let me tell you, after that 3 hour train ride... IT'S SO NICE TO BE HOME IN MILANO!!!
Ciao a tutti,

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