domenica 24 febbraio 2008

VERONA... La citta di Romeo e Guilietta


Yesterday I went to Verona, which is an hour and half train ride pretty much straight East from Milano.  It was soooo beautiful.  What a cute little city.  It's definitely a day trip, where you can hit up everything you need to see in one day + a whole lot of walking.  We went to see La Arena, which is a beautiful ancient amphitheater that is still used for operas today!  It's very magnificent to see.  I also saw la casa di Guiletta, clearly fake, but very romantic all the same.  It's fun to imagine that Romeo and Juliet happened here, even if it's a completely fictional story.  Imagining Romeo running through the narrow streets at night, and coming upon the Capulet household, and seeing Juliet looking out her balcony (which I did stand at and repeat the verse which I've still had memorized since 9th grade... Romeo o Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name...).  It's a very Romantic/ touristy little place :).  And I loved every minute of it.

We also saw the clock tower, the castle, Juliet's tomb (lame), and some really beautiful piazzas and such.  It was great city, great shopping, and some really great gelato!!!!! MMMMMM.  (I had some gelato in the form of the spaghetti (seriously right out of the playdough maker) with strawberry sauce (red tomato sauce) and coconut on top (parmesan cheese).  It was realllly good.  As usual.

Ok well I'm off to do homework and relax before school tomorrow.  Ciao a tutti... buona notte!!

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