lunedì 7 aprile 2008


Dearest everyone,

I just got home from Spring Break #1.  Besides the constant 5 days of rain, south Italy was absolutely amazing.  Much better than northern Italy in my opinion.  It's absolutely gorgeous and the people are sooo much nicer.  I loooved it.  Whenever I come back to Italia, I am strictly going to the south.  Anyway, let me fill you in on my amazing break!

First we went to Rome.  Traveling on Easter weekend is NEVER a good idea in Italy.  We tried to buy seats but all that was left was standing room.  So the girls and I spent 5 hours sitting in the corridor of the train.  Nothing a little beer and cookies won't fix!  Thank god I'm young!  It was definitely an experience I'd never like to repeat, but an experience none the less.

Arriving in Rome, we checked into the hostel and left to explore the city.  I love how Romans refuse to dig anymore because they find more ruins every time they dig.  All they want to do is build new buildings and they uncover ruins!  I think it's cool, but Romans get quite annoyed actually.  Anyway, the city is gorgeous, there's something very romantic  about it.    We ended up at the Trevie fountain around dinner time and it is ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR.  The lights are placed in the perfect places and really it's so beautiful.  I threw a coin in the fountain to ensure a fast trip back to Rome, but who knows when that'll be.  Maybe if someone in your family goes to Rome, in which case Mom, Dad, and Jenna are going next week!  After dinner we strolled the streets and came upon Good Friday mass next to the Colosseum.  I've never seen so many people pray with no view next to such an ancient building... spectacular!!  Besides the ridiculous amount of umbrellas, it was great!

Saturday we went on the Segway tour.  It poured the whole time, but it was the sweetest technology.  It was so sweet of Scott to give me that present because it really was awesome!  I definitely suggest renting one just to play with because it's super fun!  We went to the Vatican and Sistine Chapel, but St. Peter's was closed due to 5pm mass.  We met the rest of the group at the Spanish steps and did all the fabulous window shopping-- Gucci, Prada, Louie, Fendi, etc. and then found a cute place to eat.  When in Rome, eat by the Spanish steps!  There are so many restaurants and pizzerias and it's sooo adorable.  I LOVED it.  Modern Rome is absolutely fabulous.

Sunday we woke up bright and early to wait in line to go to Vatican Square for Easter Mass.  We got into the first section and got seats!  It was so amazing besides the monsoon!  I got to see the Pope, hear the Pope pray, and it was just sooo awesome to be there!!!  I know you're jealous... it was amazing.

After drying the 5 layers of soaking wet clothing, we went back to the Spanish steps area to eat again and then did a mini night tour of our own with shopping and the Pentagon.   We went to the Colosseum on Monday early and then jumped on a train to Naples.

From Naples we took another train to Sorrento.  This Italian city on the Amalfie Coast is the most undiscovered paradise.  It's sooo gorgeous, even in the rain.  It's a very small, but developed town.  All the people are sooo nice and we just loved it.  We found a charming pizza place-- super cheap-- but super amazing.  We made friends with the waiter and he came out drinking with us.  It's such a great cute town with such a friendly atmosphere.  I ate it up.

Tuesday we went to Capri.  Of course this was the 5th day of rain for us.... ugh!!  The sea was very rough and the waves tossed the ship around.  I've never been more seasick in my life... vomiting is no way to start the day let me tell you.  Anyway, Capri is such a gorgeous island.  Just beautiful.  We went on a short hike and explored the beautiful hills and trails.  The window shopping was great as well.  I had a Caprese salad (I had to in Capri!) and went back home.  Luckily I stayed outside on the ride home so I didn't get sick sick.  Ughhhh.

Back in Sorrento we went back to the Pizzeria... they loved us and gave us free food/ drinks and ten we went to another bar with Luigi (our waiter).  Boys is the south are soo much sweeter than in Milano.  Luigi says southern boys have heart and I completely agree.  Although the whistling in the south is OUT OF CONTROL!!!  It's supposed to be a compliment, but dammit it gets annoying.  I suppose when I'm 50 I'll wish people still whistled @ me.  Well back to Naples I stopped in Pompei to take a look around.  I pretended I was in the European Union and got in for free... shhh don't tell the government!  It's a very cool city, much of it is preserved and alot of it is excavated.  I loved it, although it does start to look the same after a while.  The dead bodies cast in volcanic ash are really sweet.  It was definitely worth the stop.  Back to Naples and then I headed on my 7 hour train ride to Milano... yuck.

It was a great trip but damn is it good to be home... mom, jenna, and dad come tomorrow!!!

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