giovedì 19 giugno 2008

Arrivaderci Milano... :'(

Ciao a tutti-

I'm writing this to you as I have just had my last Italian gelato and had my last Milano Aperativo.  Both were fabulous and now I'm just watching "Heartbreakers" in Italian waiting for the time to pass before I hop on my flight back to the states.

It's rather surreal to think that I'm leaving.  After spending 6 months here, it only feels normal to think that I'm simply jumping on a train or a plane to some city in Europe and that I'll return back to my apartment in Milano.  I can't believe I'm leaving here for good.  This is the end.  My abroad experience is over.  How insane.  I honestly can't believe it.  It really hasn't hit me yet, nor do I think it will hit me until I'm over the Atlantic.

I got really sad today, very surprising I know.  I was walking to school and thought "this is the last time I'll take the subway", "this is the last time I'll pass this building", "this is the last time I'll walk through these doors".  And I got really emotional.  As much as I've complained or missed  home, ending a part of your life is hard regardless.  So after saying goodbye to everyone, which I'm awful at doing, I decided to go get my last Italian gelato and head on home.  I picked nocciola and crema, my two favorites, and enjoyed every bite.  Nothing will ever be the same as Italian gelato... ever.

Lucky for me, Milan was gorgeous today.  I laid at the park, watched people play football (soccer for all you Americans), watched the dogs play with each other.  It was amazing to finally have ONE NICE DAY in Milano before I had to leave.  Running in the sunshine felt refreshing and rather empowering.  I'm telling you, I'm meant to live somewhere where I see sun more than twice a month!! (Sorry Raveena, but Vancouver won't work).

I can only say positive things about my experience as of now.  It's probably because it's the last day, and I'm overjoyed that I'm heading back to the US of A tomorrow, but nonetheless I have nothing but positives to report.  It's been challenging, I've missed home, I've missed my culture, but honestly, this has been one of the best experiences of my life.  I met so many people, so many amazing people, from all over the world, who have taught me so many things about the world, about themselves, and about me.  I am definitely a changed person, someone who is much less ignorant, much more aware, and I feel much more cultured.  I have seen so much more of the world, surrounded myself with so many different people, and opened myself to so many more parts of life than I could have ever imagined.  It's truly been a blessing.  And as much as I've complained about how difficult school has been, I have learned so much this semester than I ever imagined possible.  To study business with people from around the world is truly globalization at its finest (if I'm allowed).  To learn of management practices used around the world, to compare the laws of common law verses civil law, to study finance under an Oxford graduate who works for the most prestigious finance organization in Europe, it's been an AMAZING learning experience.  I can't believe all the knowledge I'm coming away with, in international business alone.  It truly has been THE MOST EDUCATIONAL semester of my life.  Hopefully my last year at UT will be 1/2 as educational.

So as I write you one last time from Milan, let me just say... Ho avuto uno tempo grande, mancaro' Milano moltissimo, e Europa ci vediamo pronto.  As this chapter ends, a new chapter begins... my summer in NY.  Of course I'll blog this new chapter, as I hope it will be full of just as many amazing experiences as the last 6 months have.  Thank you for reading.  Ci sentiamo a presto.

And because I'm living Italy, devo...
Grazie per tutto, e' stato fantastico.  Da viaggiamo in Europa, a mangiamo cibo Italiano.  Questa semestre recordaro' sempre.  A fino il prossimo... ciao bella.

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