venerdì 6 giugno 2008


-Double cheek kissing (or triple cheek from Southern Italians)
-Time is of no importance
-Italian (most beautiful language on Earth)
-Italian Espresso
-Italian Espresso vending machines where there's even a little stir stick for you
-Legitimate Italian Food, especially Spaghetti alla Carbonerra
-Italian Gelato, in particular Nocciola e crema
-Eating Nutella for breakfast and having it be okay
-How eating an ENTIRE 15 inch pizza is not only accepted, it's required
-Milan's amazing public transportation (even though @ times unreliable)
-Saying "prego" every 3 seconds and having it be okay
-Seeing Italians wearing shirts with English phrases when they have no idea what they mean (ex: I swing both ways)
-Quaint Italian streets and architecture
-Techno in clubs
-No tipping!!
-Giving you back 10 eurocents when you're supposed to get 13 back but only paying 5 eurocents when you're supposed to pay 8
- Having everything end in "eria", such as Pasticceria, Gelateria, etc.
-Parco Sempione
-Hearing the BeeGees and John Mayer in the Esselunga (groccery store)
-Kinder chocolates
-Walking down the street and running into a 500 year old church
-Aperativo... if you don't know what it is, you're not truly Milanese
-All of the wonderful people I've met from all over the world

Won't miss:
-Running in Milan
-People looking at me... always.
-Ghettoness... get your buildings fixed you have a beautiful country!!
-The Pollution
-The Rain
-Stores/ Restaurants closing between 1 and 5pm
-Relying on public transportation
-The disgusting public bathrooms with no toilet paper
-No posti (seats) on trains
-No wifi anywhere/ misconception of what the word wifi means
-Lack of peanutbutter
-No dryers
-The constant smoking
-Cobblestone roads that ruin your shoes and luggage
-Italian TV
-The Euro/ $ conversion
-Going out in Milan and costing you 40 euros for the night
-Seeing beautiful skinny Italian women ALL THE TIME/ watching them eat pasta
-Milan's mosquito population
-Waking up at 3am to ambulances and police cars... oh wait... I'm moving to NY.

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