domenica 11 maggio 2008


Hola!  Como estas?!!  Last week I went to Sevilla, Spain to visit my girlfriends.  It was amazing!  First of all, all the palm trees and the 90 degree weather all week couldn't have been better.  Seeing my girlfriends was absolutely amazing.  And the cultural experience I got was fabulous.

First of all, I stayed in Devon's home stay with her "mother" Delores.  It was awesome to see how a Spanish family functions and sooo nice of her to let me stay with her.  The home cooking, besides eating lunch at 330 and dinner at 1030, was absolutely fabulous!  Spanish food is fried, bland, and loaded with salt.  They eat a lot of fish, tomatoes, potatoes, and fruit.  Which was a nice change from Italian food for a while, but after a week of it I was ready to come back to Italia!

One day we went to Huelva, which is on the Atlantic coast of Spain.  It was beautiful, full of Spaniards on holiday, and definitely the shelliest beach I've ever been to.  It was a super relaxing day (besides the ridiculous bus rides to get there) and I loved every minute of it.  I loved how all Spaniards are so confident in their body and have such positive body images.  Even overweight people were spilling out of their swimsuits, just enjoying the beach and enjoying the sun.  It's comforting to know that there are places in the world where you don't have to look like a 12 year old girl to wear a bikini.  I just ate it up.

I went to a bull fight, which was a great cultural experience.  We even saw a matador kill the bull with one sword hit!!!  OLAY!  It was definitely gruesome, bloody, and actually very boring.  6 bulls for 30 minutes each is rather repetitive... although the bulls did get bigger and more rowdy as the fight went on.  Regardless, I was so glad I was able to go see it.

I also got to go to a Flamenco show.  The musicians were awesome.  I know nothing about Flamenco... but it seemed like the music was almost improvised.  Whatever the musicians felt, they sang.  And the dancer... although it was short... was extremely powerful and crazy to watch.  Of any music I've watched, these musicians truly felt the music.  We also had this drink called Agua d' Sevilla, which was 6 different kinds of liquor plus champagne topped with whip cream!!   It was AMAZING!!!  GREAAAAT NIGHT.

Besides roaming around the city, eating way too much fried food, and seeing Christopher Columbus's tomb, it was a very relaxing and beautiful vacation.  I LOVED BEING WITH MY GIRLS and I seriously fell in love with Spain. 

Gracia Sevilla y a luego!!!

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