domenica 11 maggio 2008

Passover in the US

Sorry it's been a while.  I've been INCREDIBLY busy.  I feel like I shouldn't even be writing about this, because this blog is supposed to be about my European adventures, but none the less I'll fill you in.  I went home (yes back to the states) for Passover.  It was AMAZING!  Seeing my family and flying down to Austin to see Daniel and my friends was fabulous.  Here's a quick summary:

Things I liked:
Driving my car
The Food (Panera especially)
Seeing my family
Surrounding myself with 10 pillows on my bed
Segway Tour with Daniel
Americanized Sushi
Drying my clothes in a DRYER

Things I disliked:
American Ignorance
My ADD caused by hearing too much English
Sobbing on the plane watching chick flicks
The Texas Heat
The Public Transportation System in Austin

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